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A basic agreement consists of setting out the agreement terms (terms) for your signers, adding signers and letting our AI bot know of any information you require from your signers.
Advanced agreements follow the same structure as a basic agreement but have advanced functionality such as the ability to parse uploaded documents, integrate with 3rd party apps to create complex workflows or use protocols for KYC, data security or payment processing.
Want to learn about writing content from scratch? Head to the Basics section to learn more.
Contrabt AI is a natural language AI that will guide you through the process of creating a new agreement. You can use predefined prompts for setting out your terms, adding signees and requesting additional information for your signees.
Write the terms of my agreement
Add a new signer to the agreement
Request the following information from the signer
Once you have set out the terms of your agreement and add your signees a smart contract will be created on the blockchain.
Each signee will receive a notification that they have a new agreement to sign. Contrabt will guide the signee (in a new blank chat UI) through the agreement process, presenting the terms you've set out and requesting any required information before completing the agreement transaction.
Agreements can be a multi-step process whereby the signee has questions or needs to perform pre-completion tasks, in which case you will be notified once the action has been verified.
After the signer agrees to your agreement an immutable record of the transaction is added to the blockchain.